
Will you adjust me on my first visit?

Here at Harbor Wellness, our patients health and safety is our top priority! At your first visit, we perform all necessary diagnostic imaging so the doctors can understand exactly what treatment you need. This way, each adjustment will be specifically tailored to your body’s needs, and your first adjustment normally happens at your second visit. We achieve great results for our patients this way, as we are always working to make things better and not to make anything worse. We never want to guess with your health!

In cases of extreme pain, we can perform soft tissue or decompression therapy to kickstart the healing process. While rare, if we believe chiropractic care will not help you, we will refer you to the correct provider.

Do you take insurance?

We have a unique and beneficial approach to working with insurance!

As a cash based wellness office serving whole families, we take direct payment up front, so you will always know exactly what you are paying for treatment! We want to ensure you and your family get the quality care you deserve, without any surprise bills after treatment.

We have an in house service that files claims directly with your insurance company. Many of our patients with lower deductible plans receive reimbursement, and those with higher deductible plans often use their HSA or FSA accounts!

We have many different payment plans for individuals and families, to help meet everyone's needs. These plans are often times less than what you would pay going directly through insurance.

With or without insurance coverage, we want to make sure you receive the treatment you need!

How long do visits take?

Your first two visits are the most in-depth and generally take 45-60 minutes. After your first two visits, follow up adjustments generally take 15- 25 minutes. If you are receiving decompression therapy, you can expect an additional 30 minutes.

Will adjustments hurt?

No! Our team of highly qualified chiropractors specializes in many different techniques in order to adapt to your needs. This is why we perform an extremely thorough analysis on your first visit so we can be specific with your adjustments to avoid pain and discomfort. Some soreness is normal after your first few treatment sessions, similar to if you started a new workout routine, as we start to make change within the body!

Do I need to get adjusted forever?

Of course not! Some patients see a chiropractor until their pain or specific health issue resolves. Many patients do choose to continue receiving adjustments after their initial treatment as part of their healthy lifestyle. Often patients find wellness or maintenance adjustments periodically help them adapt to the stressors in our modern lifestyle.

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