Chiropractic Blog

Why Proper Alignment Is Important During Pregnancy

Why Proper Alignment Is Important During Pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, your body goes through numerous changes to accommodate the little life developing inside it. During this time, it’s common for expectant mothers to visit chiropractors to keep their backs aligned as their growing belly alters their center of gravity. Misalignments in the spine can lead to a variety of issues, such as lower back and hip pain. Learn why proper alignment is important during pregnancy so that you can prioritize your health.

Reduces Pain and Discomfort

Feeling physically uncomfortable during pregnancy is common due to how your body changes. For example, as your baby grows, additional weight is placed on your abdominal muscles, which can cause lower back and pelvis pain. Misalignments in the spine can exacerbate these pains and discomfort.

Proper alignment helps distribute weight evenly across the body’s structure, reducing stress on specific areas. Moreover, a chiropractor can recommend exercises and stretches to help promote posture and alignment, further reducing pain and discomfort during pregnancy.

Supports Optimal Fetal Positioning

Another reason proper alignment is important during pregnancy is that it ensures the baby remains properly positioned for the birth. When the pelvis is properly aligned, your baby has more room to move since there is less pressure on the pelvis and surrounding ligaments. In the later stages of your pregnancy, giving the baby more room to move into a head-down position eases childbirth, which reduces the risk of a breached or posterior position during birth.

Enhances Circulation and Reduces Swelling

Poor alignment can impede circulation and contribute to swelling, especially in the lower extremities. The body produces more blood and fluids during pregnancy to support the growing baby. Since our body parts are interconnected, misalignments in your spine, hips, or pelvis may increase the risk of edema, also known as swelling.

Proper alignment helps maintain blood flow by reducing pressure on the nerves that control circulation. Chiropractic adjustments can help improve circulation, reducing swelling and discomfort.

Schedule Your Chiropractic Appointment

Make an appointment with Harbor Wellness if you’re searching for a pregnancy chiropractor and live in Mt. Pleasant, SC, or the surrounding area. We specialize in various techniques that are beneficial to pre- and post-natal care. Our chiropractors can help alleviate discomfort felt throughout your spine, hips, and pelvis by realigning the area.

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